Indications of Success, Laziness & Apathy …or just a Terrible Marketing Ploy?

When it comes to consulting a psychic, medium, tarot card reader, fortune teller (or what ever else you want to call us), it is undeniable that we want to seek out the services of someone who is good at what they do. No one wants to pay for a reading from an idiot that is constantly referring to a book of interpretations (and yes, I have seen it done!). You want one who you feel comfortable with, someone who you connect with, and someone who is popular…
So it would seem that one way to choose the person to read your tarot cards would be to go with one that is regularly busy, right?
I’m seeing more and more fortune tellers advertise that they are “so busy that there is a waiting lost for readings”. That is fair enough. That is, until they are claiming that it will take up to 4 weeks to deliver your reading!
Four weeks? That’s 28 days! A month! By the time they get round to reading your future, it may as well be a reading about your past! I know that when I want particular answers from the tarot cards, I want the cards to give me something contemporary. Paying someone at the beginning of the month for answers about something that is happening right now is pointless if you aren’t going to get a reading until the end of the month. By then it might be too late. And meanwhile, the reader has probably already spent the money paid for the reading!

The marketing experts (or more likely the authors of self published books on marketing) have probably advised that advertising a 4 week waiting list indicates that you are extremely popular, with a huge backlog of readings from previously satisfied clients. In certain industries, that may be a valid marketing ploy. And I suspect it is only a marketing ploy for the vast majority of those who display that on their sites.
If you wanted a family portrait taken at a photography studio, then a wait of a month isn’t unreasonable, and would suggest that the photographer is very busy, because they are very good and sought after. But if you urgently needed an appointment with a chiropodist to deal with an ingrowing toenail that was almost crippling you, and they told you to cope with the pain for a month, you would probably start shopping around for someone who could see you earlier and provide the relief you wanted.
It is a similar concept when someone wants to consult the cards about something.
I’d consider myself to be busy with tarot card readings. A typical reading will probably last about 25-30 minutes on average. On a busy day, I will happily spend up to 12 hours recording readings if required. That is a maximum of 25 readings in a day. And I will read 7 days a week if needed. So if you do the maths, that works out at a potential maximum of 175 readings a week that I can manage if I work really hard. But lets be more realistic with the numbers. I like to take at least one full day off each week, and on occasions 2 days off a week (but never consecutively!). As I promise to deliver readings within a 24 hour time slot, that is still quite possible, as long as I put in the hours when I am working. So I can still record 100-125 readings a week.
These readers who claim to have a 4 week waiting list are either a) reading 40+ hours a week and so popular that they still can’t cope with the demand, b) listening to the so-called marketing experts and lying on their site to make it seem they have 400-500 clients waiting for readings for 4 weeks, or c) not actually putting in the hours that their clients deserve, possibly because they are only reading part-time, and have another source of income.
Let’s briefly analyse those three scenarios… essentially we have Fortune Tellers that are a) unable to tell how busy they are in the future, b) lying to potential new clients or c) either very lazy or so unsuccessful at what they do that they have to earn money elsewhere! None of these is a trait I want in my fortune teller, and they are certainly not strategies I would encourage my students to employ!

It is essential that clients who are paying for readings receive their readings at the earliest possible opportunity. If you are genuinely unable to cope with the number of enquiries and bookings coming through for readings, and you are reading full time, then either bring in staff to help you out with the admin, uploading of videos etc, or stop taking people’s money whilst you clear the backlog. If you are unable to do either of these things, perhaps the business of fortune telling isn’t for you.
A four week queue of readings isn’t a sign of success, it is a sign of failure. As a reader you have failed to deliver readings to your clients until it is potentially too late. You have taken their money but left them without the answers they want.
If as a fortune teller you genuinely are working 40+ hours a week and have a 4 week backlog of readings, do yourself and your clients a favour; work harder, and refund some of your clients. If you aren’t working 40 hours a week reading cards, but do have a 4 week queue, then put in the extra hours, and temporarily shut down your payment and booking system whilst you catch up. And if you are claiming to have a 4 week queue for readings but are sat on your backside eating ice cream paid for by your clients, instead of giving them what they have paid you for, then do everyone a favour and find something more suitable as a career!
If you are looking for a tarot card / rune / crystal reading and are tempted by the idea of having your reading done by someone who is supposedly so successful that you will have to wait 4 weeks to hear back from them, have a look around and see who else is available. there are plenty of hard working very successful fortune tellers out there who won’t leave you waiting for the answers you want!
Ways to Make Money as a Fortune Teller
And other questions answered…
You are probably sat at home, reading this blog, and wondering if you should book on our next Fortune Telling course… You probably have so many questions running around your head right now…
- Is the course worth the investment?
- Will I really learn everything promised?
- What can I expect from the course?
- Can I revise, and continue learning at home?
- How can I earn my investment back?
Let’s tackle each of these questions one by one, and put your mind at ease…
Is the course worth the investment?

We genuinely believe that the price of our courses is excellent value for money, and represents a great investment – if you put the work in to learning the systems taught, and of course, make an effort to get work afterwards.
As a fortune teller in the UK you can expect to earn between £30 – £100+ per hour, depending on your location, marketing, and your business model. With this in mind, it is easy to see that the money spent on a course, to give you the tools to become a confident, accurate and ethical teller of fortunes, can easily be recouped very quickly.
Will I really learn everything promised?

It might seem that we are promising to teach you the entire world of fortune telling in a very short space of time – and in a way we are… because we have a secret that most course trainers don’t know about – we cut out all the unnecessary crap and get straight to the point.
There are hundreds of courses being held around the country, where groups of people meet to meditate on the meaning of a single tarot card each week. That is nearly a year and a half of each student’s time being spent just on the meanings of tarot cards! At The Academy of Fortune Telling, we can teach you the meanings of all 78 cards in about an hour and a half. That isn’t a week per card – that is approximately 1 minute per card!
Yes it sounds insane. It seems impossible. It sounds completely unrealistic to be able to learn so much information in such a short period of time. And you might be asking yourself “if it really is that easy, why is the new age therapy centre down the road from me taking a year and a half to teach the same information?”
There are several possible reasons… take your pick…
- By going on similar courses, in the past, to the one they are running now, they have been brainwashed into believing that this is the only way to teach and learn the tarot.
- By spreading the course out over a year or more, they believe they can earn more money, by encouraging you to come back for the next chapter.
- Some tutors might not know the meanings of all the cards off by heart, and by concentrating on one card a week, it gives them 6 days in between lessons to brush up on the meanings.
- The individuals running the course may not have the experience in fortune telling, or teaching that we have. Further more, they may not have studied accelerated learning and memory systems that can help students learn the essentials and get out there to start reading.
Let’s be frank. We are not saying that there is anything wrong with such courses, or those that teach them. No doubt they are a great opportunity to learn, socialise, and to feel part of a group. Like more conventional night classes, many student will sign up just for the social aspect, with very little intention of ever becoming professional fortune tellers. If we weren’t so busy reading fortunes for clients, and sharing our knowledge with our students, we would probably sign up to a weekly group class!
However, we are in the business of creating professional fortune tellers who can go out and practise what we teach. It is our students best interests, and therefore ours, to get them out and reading as soon as possible – not in 18 months time.
Our courses don’t just focus on tarot cards though. We like to give our students as much information as possible, to that they have all the tools necessary to be the best they can. For that reason, we share information on Astrology, Palmistry, Numerology and more.
Is it the most in-depth course available? Probably not! But it is, in our opinion, based on our extensive experience and knowledge of fortune telling, the best course for those who want to start earning money as a fortune teller.
What can I expect from the course?

We’ve already explained that the course will be an intensive learning curve with lots of information shared throughout the day. But you can relax – it’s not like studying for exams at school. All of our courses are fun, with a few laughs, surprises, and one or two anecdotes that will certainly make you smile. This is a subject we are very passionate about, and we hope that this passion shows in our teaching methods.
We use a range of easily recalled mnemonics and other memory systems & aids to help you quickly grasp each topic… the same memory aids that we still use ourselves at times when working large events and house parties.
What we won’t have you doing, is breaking off into small groups to read for each other during the day. We believe that your time is far more valuable than that, and from our experience of courses in subjects such as NLP, we believe that such exercises are completely pointless.
Can I revise, and continue learning at home?

If you genuinely feel the need to, then yes. Every student has their own pace of learning. Some students can happily leave the course at 6pm and start reading for their first client at 6.30pm. Other students would rather revise the systems taught, and feel more confident waiting a week or two before booking their first clients. There is no right or wrong way to approach this, and whatever you are most confident in doing is obviously the best for you.
All of our students leave the course with access to our online resources – video recordings to watch at their leisure, to help refresh the memory. And we are currently in the process of creating a massive online resource centre for our students, where they can access these videos plus much more information, including promotional templates, ebooks, and much more.
Whatever you choose to do, regarding continued studying or going out and turning your new found knowledge into a new career, we always remind our students that it is best to keep practising. Like many skills,
Exclusive Discount for Magicians who attended Blackpool Magic Convention 2020
I’ve just returned from a hectic, and extremely fun weekend in Blackpool. It may surprise you to know that whilst “The Vegas of The North” is famed in part for the number of Fortune Tellers working on the seafront, I went to the world’s largest Magic Convention.
If you are thinking it was a weekend of white witches sat around casting spells and burning sage, you’d be disappointed – it was actually an event for 4,500 entertainers, with card tricks, illusions, and similar. Think more “Paul Daniels and Penn & Teller” than “Alistair Crowley”!

During the 3 days I had the pleasure of seeing some top name Las Vegas magic acts perform, including Max Maven, Mac King, Lance Burton, and quick change artist Arturo Brochetti, and had the pleasure and honour of listening to controversial psychic Uri Geller share his insight into his work, marketing etc. One of the highlights for me personally though was seeing The Evasons perform their 2 person telepathy act – the show was mind blowing!

“On Stage” with The Evasons!
All in all, it was a fantastic, if extremely tiring, weekend with friends, colleagues, and heroes. The learning was intense, and there was lots of socialising in between the events. If you have an interest in performing magic (of the entertainment variety) you really need to book for next year.

Blackpool Magicians Club (organisers of The Blackpool Magici Convention) have just announced that Criss Angel will be running a couple of events next year!
I’m a big believer in thanking those who have been a part of something positive and fun. So, if you were one of the 4,500 attendees at this year’s Blackpool Magic Convention, I’d llike to offer you an exclusive discount on my forthcoming Fortune Telling Course…
The Secrets of Fortune Telling for Fun & Profit,
Sunday 8th March, 2020
Rochdale, Greater Manchester
During the day, I will be sharing the methods I use at House Parties, Corporate Events, and Trade Shows to read fortunes for entertainment.
The day will include:
- Tarot Reading (learning all 78 cards, and several spreads)
- Cartomancy (fortune telling with playing cards)
- Numerology
- Palmistry
- Dendrographology
- Creating your own systems for themed events etc
- Much More!
Attendees will also receive access to 5 1/2 hours of online video training, and additional bonus gifts.

If you were at Blackpool Magic Convention, and would like to learn the real secrets to fortune telling, you can save £10 on the ticket price by using the discount code TOWER
This code is exclusive for magicians who were at Blackpool Magic Convention, as a small ‘thank-you’ for a great weekend! Obviously it would be impossible for me to check if you were there, so I guess I’ll just have to trust you! 😉
The Lovers – Special Offer

Are you looking for a Valentines Gift that will change their life?
With the day of celebration for lovers around the world coming up, we thought what better way to mark the occasion than with a special discount code.
Check out this Limited Time Special Offer – Show the person in your life that you love them, with a ticket to “The Secrets of Fortune Telling, for Fun & Profit” – and give them unique skills and a career for life!
And if you are single, why not treat yourself to a ticket… and learn what the cards say about your love-life in the future!
Save £17 between now and Valentines Day…
Earlybird Ticket sales for “The Secrets of Fortune Telling, for Fun & Profit” end on Monday 17th February. The current price is just £77, and will rise to £97 on Monday.
But for the next few days, you can save an additional £17 on the price of your ticket by using the discount code LOVERS17 taking the price down to just £60.
Simply book your ticket through Eventbrite (see link below), and enter the code LOVERS17 at checkout to receive your £17 discount.
This offer closes on Thursday 13th February at Midnight.
Everyone attending will receive a host of Bonus Items, including online access to video training files, Royle’s RAT System DVD-Rom and more!

For full information about the course, click here
Creating your own Fortune Telling & Divination Systems to stand out from the others
Among many other topics relating to Fortune Telling, one of the subjects I’ll be discussing in depth at my 1 day course in Rochdale is how to stand out from the crowd, and create your own unique systems for divination.
I know from years of experience that, when given an option, many members of the public will often choose a traditional reading with Tarot, Angel Cards, perhaps Runes, etc. And there is absolutely nothing wrong with that.
But what happens when you need something different? Something that makes you stand out from all the other readers at an MBS event? Or you are asked by the client at a trade show to offer something “different from the usual”, or with a particular theme? It has happened to me a few times now. At the very early stages of my journey into professional reading I spent good money on stands at various fairs, turned up with my cards, and found that it appeared I was offering the same as everyone else. There can be a lot of competition at these events, and that means that all the readers are chasing the same money.
By offering something unique at an MBS fair, along with the traditional options of tarot cards, Runes etc, you will stand out from the crowd. It will give you an edge on the rest of the readers. Yes, most members of the public will still choose a traditional system for their reading, but you will get far more attention when you advertise something unique and quirky… and that converts!
Over the years I have also been asked by Trade Show organisers and exhibitors to provide something alternative, and themed to their event or product. It’s fair to say that most readers wouldn’t take these jobs on, and would struggle to come up with something new. Those that did would probably just turn up with a themed Tarot deck! But if the client wants something alternative, I’m more than happy to work on it.

Last night I set myself a challenge: to create two brand new, never before seen, divination systems using simple objects, each with a theme. Both of these will be revealed at The Secrets of Fortune Telling, for Fun & Profit, as examples of how simple it is to create something different. I’ve intentionally chosen themes that aren’t too crazy, are easily created, and can be read accurately without much effort. Best of all, both these systems could be perceived as genuinely old systems, and do not look like they have been created last night.
It’s relatively simple for me to create new systems to teach you… and on the day I will be teaching you how to create your own unique systems… but I’ve decided to “up the ante”…
If you are coming to The Secrets of Fortune Telling, for Fun & Profit Course in Rochdale on Sunday 8th March, I’d like YOU to challenge me!
Bring along a handful of items… and together we will create a unique divination system with them, just to prove how easy it can be!
I’m looking for a collection of 10-50 similar items. For ease, it would be great if they aren’t too large, and perhaps have some differences between them. It might be household items, something you use in a hobby, at work, or something your family works with. Suitable items would include a collection of old buttons, some office paper clips or even a handful of nuts and bolts, but the choice is yours. Please don’t bring anything that could hurt me or you, or is likely to create a mess!
This isn’t just about creating new systems with anything and everything, it’s about keeping clients happy, standing out from the crowd, and marketing with a USP.
The Secrets of Fortune Telling for Fun & Profit is a fun, 1 day intensive training course for anyone who wants to learn how to become a successful reader of Tarot Cards, Palmistry, Numerology and much more.
Date & Times: Sunday 8th March 2020, 9.30am – 5.30pm
Location: Rochdale, Greater Manchester
Tickets for The Secrets of Fortune Telling for Fun & Profit can be purchased through Eventbrite:
The £60 Tarot Card Reading in Manchester
We have recently discovered that luxury department store, Harvey Nichols in Manchester are charging over £60 for a half hour Tarot Card Reading…

A quick search on Eventbrite today has revealed that on 1st Feb you can have your Tarot Cards read at Harvey Nics for a whopping £60.64p, (including booking fees). Given that booking slots are every 30 minutes, I’m guessing that you’ll probably only be sat at the table for 25 minutes maximum.
The listing doesn’t suggest that you get a glass of champagne to enjoy with your reading, although at that price, you’d certainly expect it! Neither does it suggest that you are given a limited edition set of gilt edged Tarot Cards to keep afterwards.
Now, don’t get me wrong… I’m not saying there is anything especially wrong with charging £60 for a half hour reading and not offering something such as a glass of bubbly or a memento. Renting a space in such a prestigeous location in Manchester City Centre probably comes at a price, that has to either be absorbed by the reader, or passed on to the client.
At the end of the day, the market dictates the price. If people are happy to pay £60 for a tarot card reading, that is fine – as long as they can genuinely afford it (but that is a question for the client and the reader to ask themselves). I have personally charged similar prices, and more, for readings, but only when I’m satisfied that it is ethically right to do so.
Give a man a fish… Teach a man to fish…
Paying £60 for a Tarot Reading is all well and good if that is what you want to do with your money. But what if, you could learn the art of Tarot Reading, and much more for £60?
You’d never have to pay £60 for a reading again… In fact you could be the one charging £60 per reading!
Imagine taking your £60 and investing it into learning the secrets of Tarot Cards, Cartomancy, Dendrographology, The Lazy Person’s Astrology System, Numerology, or how to develop your own unique reading system with other objects…
And for just an extra £15 more than a half hour reading at Harvey Nichols, you could not only have the skills to conduct readings, but also the tools!
- Learn all of the above plus lots more,
- Buy your own pack of Tarot Cards (for approximately £10)
- Have enough change left over for a great pint of real ale in one of the best venues in Greater Manchester,
- And have the skills for life to conduct your own readings for family, friends and paying clients… taught by someone who has read the fortunes of thousands of people and is one of only a small handful of professional readers to have an Honorary Doctorate in Divination!
Could you be charging £60+ per 30min reading in 2020? Yes you could. And as the link above proves, there are definitely people willing to pay for it!
But even being realistic and charging half that price when you start out, you could recoup your small investment in just two readings… that is just 1 hour!
Tickets for our 1 day course – The Secrets of Fortune Telling for Fun & Profit on Sunday 8th March, in Rochdale – are already selling fast. The full price tickets cost just £97, and Earlybird tickets on Eventbrite are only £77 until the end of January.
But if you book your place on the course directly via PayPal today, you can learn all the skills needed for a new career for just £60…
Full details of the course, along with testimonials from past students, your free bonus gifts, and tickets can be found at here
But to book your place on this unique, intensive, 1 day course for the ridiculously low price of only £60 you can buy your ticket directly from me via – but hurry, because we genuinely only have a limited number of tickets left at this price!
Things to Do in Rochdale on your visit…
If you are coming to sunny Rochdale for our Tarot Reading and Fortune Telling Course on Sunday 8th March 2020, you might want to make your visit a long weekend to see the sights of the north-west, and perhaps even bring the family for a well deserved mini break.
Don’t be fooled by the saying “It’s grim up north!” – It is far from grim, and Rochdale is a town with lots of heritage ideally situated between the city of Manchester and the Pennines and Saddleworth Moors. So no matter what you are looking for during your visit, there is going to be something to keep you interested.
Activities and Attractions in and around Rochdale…
Dippy The Dinosaur
Dippy, the Natural History Museum’s iconic Diplodocus cast, is currently on tour around the UK for the first time, and will be arriving in Rochdale in time for our course!

There are a range of events planned in the town for his visit, and you can see the famous dinosaur at Number 1 Riverside (just a 3 minute walk from the course venue) during the weekend:
Number One Riverside Opening Times:
Monday – Friday 09:00 – 17:30
Saturday – Sunday 09:30 – 17:00
Bank Holiday 10:00 – 16:00
And visit the Dinosaur Exhibition at Touchstones Rochdale (again, just a couple of minutes walk from the course venue)
Touchstones Rochdale Opening Times
Monday – Friday 09:00 – 17:00
Saturday – Sunday 09:30 – 17:00
Bank Holiday 10:00 – 16:00
More information from the official Rochdale Council Dippy Page
Official Dippy Events over the weekend
Enjoy a Pub Lunch at one of the region’s best venues
The Manchester Evening News has just revealed the list of “50 great places to go for a pub lunch in Greater Manchester” and two of them are extremely close to our course venue… Actually one of them is the venue that we are holding our event! And the other is run by the same team, and has made it on the list despite only being open a few months!
The Flying Horse Hotel
CAMRA’s Greater Manchester Pub of the Year (for two years running) is quite rightly famous for it’s real ale… but there is far more to this venue than just it’s wonderful hand-pulled beers; The historic pub has a hop covered ceiling, comfortable decor, friendly and knowledgeable staff, and an excellent food menu.
In a recent review of The “Flyer”, MEN journalist Daisy Jackson writes: “It’s a menu of meaty, pub classics at rock-bottom prices here, with burgers starting from £7.45 and other plates including rag pudding, fish and chips, and steak and ale pie… It really is good value for money for such large portions of unfussy pub grub… The Flying Horse does everything you’d want a pub to do.”
We’d definitely recommend the Rag (Suet) pudding, which is a local favourite!
Bombay Brew
Is it a pub serving Indian style street food, or a restaurant serving real ale? WE’ll let you make up your own mind! Either way, you’ll definately agree that both the beer and the grub are excellent.
This newly opened bar has already made it onto the MEN’s list of food venues to visit. They write – “The beer taps are there, the wood-burning fireplace, the exposed brick walls, the jazzy carpet, the Chesterfield armchairs – but Bombay Brew isn’t your typical pub. Taking over the former Wellington Hotel, Bombay Brew serves a vibrant selection of mostly plant-based Indian street food dishes, not unlike the ones you’d find at Bundobust in the city centre. You can wash down your pani puri, or your samosa chaat, or your lentil korma, with one of the many craft beers being pulled behind the bar.”
Live Music on a Saturday Night!
We’ve raved about the Flying Horse’s Real Ale and Food… what else could be left?
Every Saturday night, The Flyer has a mini-make-over and becomes one of the town centre’s only live music venues, with a fantastic selection of Rock, Blues and Indie bands, guaranteed to get your feet tapping, hips swinging, and even get you onto the dance floor.
The night before our tarot course, the guest band will be “Indigo Charlie Seven”. Music starts at 10pm.
Useful Links
Announcing our Tarot & Fortune Telling Course in Rochdale
We are really excited to announce a new 1 day course in Rochdale – taking place at The Flying Horse Hotel on Sunday 8th March 2020!
Hosted by our very own Dr. Stuart “Harrizon” Cassels, you will learn everything from how to conduct your very first reading, to how to get work as a professional fortune teller.

Stuart is a 3rd generation psychic who has read the fortunes of thousands of people around the country and abroad, at major events and the smallest of house parties. He has a “No BS” approach to Fortune Telling, and will be sharing some of his personal views on the “psychic industry” throughout the day.
As with all our events, this promises to be packed full of useful information for everyone – no matter what your current skill level. Many of our students have never picked up a pack of Tarot Cards before in their life, others have dabbled, but perhaps struggled to find a link with the cards, and some students are professional psychics who want to learn more about marketing their business, or find a “Unique Selling Point”.
If you own a pack of Tarot Cards, but they are lying on a shelf, or in a drawer, unused and unloved, you are certainly not alone. One of the biggest issues many people struggle with is trying to learn the often quite surreal meanings of 78 cards, as described in the book (or sheet of paper) that accompanies the cards.
But what if we were to tell you that it is possible to learn the meanings of all 78 cards, plus their reverse meanings, in less than 90 minutes?
Well, you’d certainly think so! But we guarantee that it definitely possible. In fact that is exactly what we promise to do on Sunday 8th March in Rochdale – Teach you the meanings of all 78 Tarot Cards in less than an hour and a half!
But we won’t stop there!
How about learning the elemental factors of the cards, and how each relates to various astrological signs? Hell, we’ll even throw in”The Lazy Man’s Guide to Astrology” too!
But what about those times when Tarot Cards aren’t available, or for some reason not suitable? Our first suggestion would be to practise the ancient Romany Gypsy art of Cartomancy – Fortune Telling with Playing Cards – and yes, you’ve guessed it – we’ll teach you the meanings of all 52 cards in a pack of playing cards too before the day is done!
So, that’s Tarot Cards, Cartomancy, Astrology all in one day…
Surely we couldn’t cram any more into a single day?
How do you fancy learning the true art of Palmistry? What about Tea Leaf Reading? The mystical sounding Dendrographology? Or perhaps you’d like to learn Numerology, Sand Reading, Fortune Telling with coins, rocks, dice, or even antique keys and broken bottles?

Hold on? Broken bottles? WTF???
OK – you got us… it’s doubtful that many (or any) people regularly read fortunes with broken glass bottles… yet! But if you really wanted too, you could, once you have attended The Secrets of Fortune Telling, for Fun & Profit in Rochdale on Sunday 8th March!
The real secret to being a successful fortune teller is being adaptable; utilising whatever is at hand to guide you in your quest. Once you know the various ways to conduct a reading, you can use almost anything!
To book your place on the course click here